Danae Theodoridou

Performance and Artistic Research



The work was presented for the first time in the Theatre of Neos Kosmos in Athens, Greece in April ’12.

How do we look and what do we see when we see someone on stage?

How much of his ‘self’ does the performer offer to the eyes of his audience? (and from what/who is this self made of?)

Who is performing in Lookatmenowandhereiam?

How present are the absent?

Who are we looking at and who is here?

How closely connected is the look of the audience with the presence of those on stage?

To what extent do things exist when we don’t see them?

And to what extent everything exists for our eyes only?

Trying to reply again and again to these questions, Lookatmenowandhereiam is presented as a performance-lecture that attempts to approach such concerns.


Concept, Creation

Danae Theodoridou

In collaboration with

Ioanna Asimakopoulou, Konstantina Georgelou, Efthimis Theou, Tzeni Theona, Akillas Karazisis, Efrosini Protopapa, Mixalis Titopoulos

Photos by

.E. Mitsi & T. Toygarlar